ترجمات أدبية
Mohammad A. Yousef: If you want…

If you want a new idea, read an old book
Mohammad A. Yousef
إذا أردت فكرة جديدة، اقرأ كتابا قديما
محمد عبد الكريم يوسف
If you want a new idea, read an old book
For within those tattered pages lies wisdom untold
Words that have weathered the storms of time
Yet still hold the power to inspire and mold
In the dusty corners of a forgotten shelf
Lies the treasure trove of centuries past
Each word a window to a bygone age
A portal to a world that couldn't last
For the written word has a power unique
To transcend the bounds of space and time
To transport us to realms unknown
And spark within us a flame sublime
So pick up that ancient tome
And let its words wash over your soul
Let the tales of yesteryear ignite your imagination
And set your mind on a journey whole
For within the lines of an old book
Lies the key to unlocking your creativity
To opening the floodgates of inspiration
And setting your ideas free
In the yellowed pages of a worn-out volume
Lie the seeds of innovation and invention
Ideas that have stood the test of time
And continue to shape our world with their intention
So if you find yourself in need of a spark
A fresh perspective or a new way of thinking
Let the words of the ancients be your guide
And watch as your ideas start sprouting and blinking
For within the covers of an old book
Lie the secrets of the universe untold
Ideas that have the power to change the world
And shape the future with stories bold
So don't be afraid to crack open that dusty tome
To dive into its pages and let its wisdom flow
For if you want a new idea, look to the past
And watch as your creativity starts to grow.
Mohammad A. Yousef