مناسبات المثقف
Al-Mothaqaf… Al-Gharbawi
ترجمة للإنجليزية لقصيدةٍ مهداةٍ للمثقفٍ في عيدِها الخامس
من قِبَل الشاعر مصطفى المهاجر
عنوانها " المثقف ... الغرباوي"
توطئة: من عادتي أن أضعَ تقِدمَةً للقصيدةِ التي أقومُ بترجَمَتِها، ولكنِّي اليوم أتجاوزُ ذلك، فالقصيدةُ والمناسَبةُ فيهما ما يكفي للتقديم…
فقط أقولُ: هذه الترجمةُ هي هديَّتي لملاكِ الفضاءِ السايبَرِيِّ "ماجد الغرباوي" في يومِ عيدِه وعيدِ "المثقف"….
Al-Mothaqaf *… Al-Gharbawi
Translation into English By:
Inaam Al-Hashimi (Gold_N_Silk)**
For an
Arabic Poem By: Mustafa Almohajer***
Dedicated to “Almothaqaf”*
In its fifth anniversary
Reach out
Give me your hand
I’ll pledge my allegiance to you
a pioneer, who is truthful to his people.
We walk,
to the end of the besieged tunnel,
till the ever rising sun
of freedom
Shines on us
Exiles taught us,
As they did you,
not to turn leadership,
To that
Who gained our souls.
We and thee
Have no place
In the boat of politics,
The boat of power,
The boat of the religious sect,
The boat of the tribe,
the boat of the party;
We have none
But the boat of culture;
“Almothaqaf” got to be
Our last resort ...!!
Up all night, you stay,
Mending our parts,
That have been scattered,
All over the maps
of exile,
So that we may
find a song,
to bring about
The spirit of tolerance
To the hearts of rulers
by Jungle rules ...!!!
We are with you;
You are with us;
Who would be
On the other front ...!!!???
Five years
We’ve been
Digging earth of the past,
to plant
some seeds of the future
in hope that
It may bloom
glowing ,
pure spirited characters.
For you,
For us,
And for all the singled out
in the maze of life,
The shady oasis of
“Almothaqaf” has been
The safe haven,
And will be,
Till It’s time to get home,
Our home land.
Translated on June 11, 2011
حرير و ذهب (إنعام)
الولايات المتحدة
المثقف ... الغرباوي / مصطفى المهاجر
*Almothaqaf: Is an electronic daily journal dedicated to serve culture, education, and the arts, established on June 6, 2006 and celebrating its fifth anniversary under the leadership of its Editor and Founder Majed al-Gharbawi.
** Inaam al-Hashimi: Emeritus Professor, SUNY, USA
Gold_N_Silk is her nickname
*** Mustafa Almohajer: Iraqi poet residing in Brisbane, Australia
خاص بالمثقف
الآراء الواردة في المقال لا تمثل رأي صحيفة المثقف بالضرورة، ويتحمل الكاتب جميع التبعات القانونية المترتبة عليها. (عدد خاص: ملف: المثقف .. خمس سنوات من العطاء والازدهار: 6 / 6 / 2011)